October 26, 2011



bosan dan serabut..

menghapdet belog dgn gamba2 random..

sebab hati kusut..

kepale serabut..


October 23, 2011

Share Shoulders

pagi jumaat lps..

hehehe..bgn dgn rs gembira tak berbelah bagi...rise n shine lah org putih kate...


at last..i had my own sweet time just for myself... boleh kemas bilek...rearranged brg2 yg ade dlm bilek ni..basuh kipas...tuka cadar...in other words; i dont have to give a damn about somebody else..bunyi mcm self fish kan?tp kadang2 korg akan rase betape tak bestnye asek jage org laen je...asek pikirkan mslh org laen je...mslh sendiri tak lepas2...tak setel2...

tp ptg jumaat tu jd ptg plg sedih...

menangis dpn lptop sampai bengkak mate...


rindu kaklong...rindu nk peluk kaklong...(bile dah ade problem br ingt kaklong)

heee..wat malu je...nanges sampai merah mate idung..da mcm clown pon ade...huu..cite di sebalik nanges2? heee..ade satu je...kelainan rutin harian...hee..tak perlu cite...t malu sndiri bile bace blk..

ms chat ngn kaklong tu br la tau...aku dah dpt hati aku balik!!!aku dah pandai sayang orang laen selain diri sendiri...woaahhhh..*clap..clap..clap..*


ak jrg syg org...ari tu ade terjumpe tisu yg ak tulis ms bosan dlm blek kt uia...tisu tu aku tulis psl syg org laen..x semestinye kekasih...kawan2..family...n ptg tu ak tau...ak mmg syg giler rumet2 ak...sebab diorg la sanggup share their shoulders when i really in need...tak perlu cite pape..

kalau mcm kaklong..i just go..sit on the bed..look at her..."kaklong nk pelok.." then kaklong mesti ckp.."ni mesti ade pape ni..meh sini.." then we hugged..and i feel relief...perfect remedy!

kalau ngn say...just with the look on my face..she can tell..there's something wrong..then say akan ckp.."jom g mkn eskem..." or... "jom keluo" kdg2 bile ak bwk kete dgn lju nye without a word..she could tell..i'm not the usual me...

kalau ngn kak izah...ermmm..i go n watch the movie thru lptop with her...ak jrg watch movie ngn org..sbb ak suke dgr gne earphone..if omputih..sbb i really like their accent..

they are my angels...my perfect remedies....even without me noticing it...i do really love them...and ptg jumaat tu..ak nanges giler2 ms kaklong ckp.."adik nanges la dlu...kaklong pelok dari jauh.." uwaaaaa....dah tak thn2 dah..sbb ms tu duk dlm bilek sndiri..pintu pon da kunci...keh3....

"amani??nanges???"hell yeah..aku nanges jgk...tp aku jrg2 nanges...sbb ak x suke muke ak lps nanges...org lean leh cry and they still have the cutest face even after crying..aku sgt jeles..!!tp ak kalo nye muke after cry..the ugliest face ever...everything got bloated..i really...really hate it!!!

i dont have to tell my problems..they were just there to share their shoulders... how lovely rite? love you all roomies!!

and bile dah duk kt umah nih...bile ad small problems..takkan aku tetibe nk g btau mak or kakak aku.."nak pelok.." nak mampos??umah ak xde sape nk lyn mnde2 kecik..major problems br perlu btau....huhuhu...tapi kalo ade abaha bleh je release tensen..sbb abaha adalah org plg positif dlm umh nih...rs mcm nk ikut abaha g semporna je..huuu...untuk misi mencari diri..mungkin?ok..tu kite cite entri laen...

k bye...

p/s:ms berpisah abes blaja dlu...ak x nanges pon..kaklong ngn say je yg nanges2 teresak2...aku? stay cool..macho..(konon!) rugi x nanges same2 dlu..kalo tak skang ni..xdela rindu mencengkam jiwe sgt..huhuhuh

October 20, 2011



jika anda perempuan...sila la jgn bodo sgt...

jika anda lelaki....sila la jgn buat perempuan tu jadi bodo...

**mode: tensen...br lps tgk video perempuan bodo wrestling kt kedai kasut

ape ke bingai la sgt nk gado psl jantan...

ingt kan kt last video tu ad la dtg hero nye...nk tgk la jgk worth it ke tak diorg gado tgh2 org...kot la mcm muke hero sy..

takpe la jugak...kan???

October 19, 2011

Cerita Si Penanam Anggur Berjaya

baru je bace kisah sedih kawan...

tapi bile ingat balik aku lagi sedih...takde la sedih sangat...tapi sedih la jugak...

awak kurang2 ad gak keje...leh la jawab ade working experience

saye??saye tak keje langsung...takkan orang tanye saye nak jawab..."eeehhh..keje....bulan pose jual ayam...lepas raye jadi babysitter.." tak macho langsung...

adik saye da siap rekakan mende yang perlu ditambah dalam resume:

  1. a sales and marketing manager for Alif Ba Ta Entrprise during ramadhan
  2. a caregiver for 2 years old child...
so..my patience tolerence as high as KLCC... (tut mung!!amar kalao merapik mmg terer)

dahla kat umh saye ni ade 3 org penanam anggur berjaye...patutlah mak ayah saye mcm da x hadap sangat je kitorg nih...ye la...dah kne suap 3 biawak hidup...mesti la frust jgk mak ayah saye..tp kitorg xde la biawak hidup sangat...saye..jadi bbysitter anak sdare...adik n abg sy duk wat proposal pojek bela ikan diorg..lgpun adik saye tu da nk smbg blaja bln12 nih...tapi kitorg sume susah hati jgk bile xde duit..mula la mcm2 idea dlm kepala kua...nk jual aym blk la...nk wat delivery tuk bdk2 kustem la...tp...x jadi pon..sbb modal xde..yang delivery tuh..t rosak kete..bdk2 tu reti jimat je..t 6 org pon diorg nk muat 1 kete gk..ak tau sgt..ak pon student gk dlu...

owhkeyh..cite psl keje adalah sesuatu yang sgt2 mem'frust'kan..slalu je iklan keje tu saye tgk bile tarikh da lepas...da la xde satu pon interview panggil..dulu mase org panggil jual mhl!!"u sell expensive then people dont wanna buy la..suit ur face!!"kate2 dari inche fahrin celup..kuajaqq!!

tapi memang sedeyhh bile kawan2 yang seangkatan dah mule cite pasal penat keje...wiken je ad mase...xleh nk g enjoy2 weekdays sbb keje....pastu gembire bile gj masuk....akhir bulan xde duit...rs mcm tu la life yg patut aku lalui..tp xde rezeki lagi...

takpela...nk wat cane...rezeki tu ALLAH punye...hak Dia...Dia da plan siap2 bile nk bg2 kan...so..xperlu la susah hati sgt..just usaha la sampai habis kudrat...(and saya tau sy tak usaha sampai habis lg) nanti Dia bg la..kalau dah bkn rezeki mcm2 la penyebabnye..kalau dah rezeki..xde sebab pon sampai jgk....

basically..to those yang sedang sedeyh (mcm saye..xde keje..or keje skang x best)byk2kan besaba..lipat gandekan usaha...banyak2kan semayang dhuha...ulang doa dhuha tu byk2 kali..hafal wat jd nasyid pon xpe... (cheh!!nasihat org...da wat ke? -_-!)

kalau ade..ade la tu..kalau xde...g sambung blaja..x pon cri org kaye...kawen!!hahahah owhkeyh...suggestion last merapik....tp tu la...saba ye kawan2...

rezeki Tuhan bg laen2...ade yang senang..ade yang susah...tp untuk setiap org akan ade portion masing2...sabar dan tawakkal keyh??